ANCIENT JUDEAN HISTORY BOOK PROJECT I am seeking to gather together some voices for various characters in my ancient Judean history project, which consists of making audio versions of various history books related to Israel/Judah history (see below for full list). (Most of these are my personal translations or revisions of these documents.) This is completely a non-profit Public Domain project. I have gathered quite a handful of people together, but some certain books of the project require more voices than available people to me, so I am seeking for some more. A majority of the main characters have been finished, and so most of what I am seeking are 'extras' whose part consists of merely a single line, or a paragraph or two; though there are a few that are a little longer. Wanted: * Voice talent (MALE ONLY), from about 18 years or older. A majority of the character ages range from 20-40, though several are 50+. Most of these characters are soldiers in the military, or commanders, or leaders and kings. *I am seeking realistic/natural voice performance. Please use your natural voice. I do not want anything cartoonish or distorted or faked. *I am looking for realistic sounding acting, not reading or narration. (I want it to sound as if it was really someone talking to you in person -- i.e. not sounding too pre-planned like someone is merely reading from a book). If the character is shouting, then do realistic proper shouting (do not fake it - fake shouting is beyond obvious to detect). If addressing an army, then actually perform the lines as if you were addressing an army. If sad, be sad. If rejoicing, rejoice. If he has a smile on his face, have one on your face. *If you do not know how to pronounce a word, don't guess. Because if it's wrong, you will be required to do the retake. *The pronunciations of all proper names that are not obvious will be placed on the beginning of each character's lines. Make sure you check any of these which are listed, because many times I pronounce a name differently than its normal incorrect English pronunciation. EXAMPLES OF WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR: (NOTE: I am looking for characters, not a narrator). ***GIVING A SPEECH/DISCOURSE TO A CROWD (2 speeches) ***READING LETTERS (~4:10 in the file - more angry/authoritative king) (~1:15 in the file - more friendly) (~5:40 in the file) ***SPEECHES & BATTLE SCENES **************************************************************************** PRICING: Will pay $10.00USD per hour of completed audio. (11.11 if it's on odesk in order to cover the odesk fees.) (Minimum $1.00.) (It it takes you two hours to come up with 15 minutes of finished audio, I will only be paying for 15 minutes worth of audio after all the editing is completed. However, you do not have to do all the post-editing yourself. (In fact, I would rather do this myself.) Retakes: If the reason for the retake is due to fault on your side, I do not compensate the time. If the reason for the retake is due to fault on my side, I will pay for the time involved. Payments will be made via paypal. So if you don't have a paypal account (or know someone who has access to a paypal account), you will not be receiving a payment. [The only exception is if payment is required to be paid through an intermediate site.] Payment will be sent upon receiving completed audio and verified for correct pronounciations and performance, and upon completion of *all* assigned characters for the project. **************************************************************************** AUDITION & FORMAT: Please choose a character or two which you are interested in doing, and submit an audition of a line or paragraph to my email: "lord_skylark" AT "yahoo" DOT "com" (Each voice actor may have one character per book.) After I receive the audition, I will let you know if you are approved. You will *NOT* be paid for audition time, or anything recorded before being approved. (However, if the audition is accepted, and the performance of the audition is acceptable, than that can go toward the final time.) Even if you are approved to be hired for the project, you may be considered for a different character. Format: Final versions: mon raw 'wav' format (or, if your original recording is not 'WAV', some sort of lossless format that can easily be converted to wav without suffering any loss of quality from compression, etc.). They must NOT be converted from MP3 or some other lossy format into WAV. (Auditions may be sent in MP3 though.) ***PLEASE RECORD 5 SECONDS OF SILENT ROOM AMBIANCE AT THE START OF EVERY RECORDING. MAKE SURE THE AMBIANCE IS WHERE YOU ARE ACTUALLY RECORDING AND AT THE TIME YOU ARE MAKING THAT SPECIFIC RECORDING*** ***DO NOT USE ANY SORT OF NOISE-FILTER OR VOICE ENHANCEMENT OR COMPRESSION. I WANT THE RAW AUDIO WITHOUT ANY EFFECTS*** ***Make sure that your audition demo is recorded with the equipment and environment that you will be using for your actual work. ***With recording quality, there must be minimal to no room echo. For suggestions on a cheap homemade microphone set up which will remove most echo and make the audio quality sound more professional, see: ****************************************************************************** CHARACTER LINES: SEE: *This file contains each of the character's *full* dialogue for each book. The lines have been isolated from the rest of the book and are colored coded (the color of the lines will match the color of the character's name at the top). *There should be enough information for each character to understand the context. But if this is not completely understandable, please let me know. *Most of the ages listed are estimated ages and are slightly flexiable.